Under 9’s final friendly before the new season
15th September 2020
A sunny Sunday over at Haunchwood Aces was our venue for the girls last friendly before the new season kicks off this coming weekend.
With the resumption of football training in the summer and the new season approaching we had some excited new faces in the team who were keen to get stuck in to a match and bring the things they’ve been learning in training to a match.
The team got off to a great start with the new players fitting right in to the flow of things. There were some brilliant moments from all of the players passing to their team mates, setting up goals and defending robustly!
Sophie was awarded the player of the match for a brilliant quarter in goal and setting up more than one goal for her team mate.
After the match the girls were presented with their end of season medals and trophies. It was great to see such big smiles enjoying their awards!

we need your daughters for our teams!
We are currently recruiting for under 7s, 9s, 10s and 14s.
Please get in touch if your daughter is interested in playing football. They can join at anytime in the season and, if registered before January, they can play in league matches.