Girls Tournament
25th July 2020
Rugby Borough Women and Girls FC are proud to announce RB Coaching Girls as tournament sponsor for our fabulous Women and Girls Festival of Football Tournament 2020.
The tournament will take place over the weekend of the 15/16 August at our spacious £2.5 million 35 acre football facility with over 90 teams taking part from U9s girls right through to Over 30s women.
Cheryl Edwards, head coach for RB Coaching Girls and ex-professional player for Birmingham City will be in attendance to award a player of the tournament trophy for each age group.
Cheryl, a UEFA B licence and current Birmingham City RTC coach has also kindly donated a 1 on 1 coaching session to each of the winners.
We’re looking forward to seeing everyone at the biggest and best girls football club in Rugby Borough.

Team sizes have been reduced and special COVID measures will be in place on the day as per current FA guidance.
The event will be digitally enabled with parking and programme online soon to minimise any risks to our wonderful army of volunteers who will be helping out on the day. Details will be emailed shortly.